4 Things to Do the Night Before a Test

It’s easy to feel anxious when there’s a big test the next day. You might feel like cramming all night to make sure you have everything perfected and memorized, but that may not be the best game plan. Here are a few things you should be doing the night before you have a test. 

Review Your Notes

It’s not necessary to reread the whole textbook, and you definitely shouldn’t be trying to learn anything brand new the day before. Go over the notes you took in class, especially if you have a study guide. Go through any relevant homework assignments, and you can even gloss over the chapter or other class material you’ve already gone over. Don’t spend too much time on this, though, as you can easily overwhelm yourself with studying too much. If you’ve already been preparing, you won’t need more than an hour or so to brush up on all you’ve learned. 

Eat a Balanced Meal 

Make sure your body is well nourished, as this will play a significant role in how you feel the next day. Drink plenty of water and have a vegetable or two. Additionally, be prepared to do the same thing in the morning when it’s time for breakfast. Have some fruit, eggs, orange juice, anything you like that will keep you feeling good and energized. If you’re hungry or groggy because you didn’t eat well, you may find yourself losing focus during your exam. 


If you’re feeling jittery or nervous, try some quick breathing exercises, do a little bit of yoga, or meditate. Keeping your mind at ease and ridding it of any negative, worried thoughts will leave you feeling refreshed. Try doing this right before bed to encourage good rest. Relaxation is key to keeping your eye on the prize when it comes to test taking. If you sit down for your test with jumbled thoughts and a nervous mind, it will make it harder for you to perform to the best of your ability.

Get Enough Sleep 

It’s so important to make sure you’re well rested for an exam! Try not to have a lot of screen time an hour before bed, and get ready to sleep so you’ll get about eight hours of rest. If you’re not tired and still feeling a little anxious about test day, read from a book you like, have some herbal tea, or do a bit of stretching before climbing under the blankets. A calm mind will help you sleep, and you’ll wake up ready to take on the day. 

Need some more support before your big test? Find a tutor who can help you.